Does anyone know of any stores that aren't very well known but still have really good products between Baltimore and Washington DC? Categories would be: Thrift Stores, Fancy (Prom or homecoming), Jewelry/Gift stores, and Restaurants."Hidden gem" stores in between Washington DC and Baltimore?
Hi Zoe,
The DC %26amp; Baltimore corridor is a great area for restaurants and shops! I'm a bit more familiar with the Baltimore-Annapolis area (lived in the area for 10+ years), but I do work and dine out in DC. My two favorite vintage stores around Baltimore are Ten Car Pile Up (in Towson) and Killer Trash (Fells Point area of Baltimore). Around the DC area, any of the Unique Thrift stores are a good bet. They have a huge selection, great prices, and are often attached to bazzars.
For restaurants, the best BBQ is definitely at Andy Nelson's in Cockeysville (north of Baltimore). Sticky Rice in Fells Point, Baltimore is a super hip, sushi fusion restaurant with a ton of cool rolls. If you're into Indian, I suggest Akbar in Mt. Vernon- another neighborhood in Baltimore. In DC there are great places pretty much everywhere, it just depends on where you are in the city. If you're visiting museums on the Mall, I suggest either Oyamel for fancy Mexican or Teaism for Asian-inspired fare.
I highly suggest you check out Yelp! for reviews and recommendations. You can find every place I mentioned on there, as well as a ton of other stuff. Also, for shopping, I'm linking to Refinery29's DC shopping site. They're a great resource for independent shops in the area.
Hope this is helpful, and good luck!
Future Librarian
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