Monday, March 12, 2012

Any good Google 10^100 videos?


I am gobsmacked and in utter disbelief at the absolute naive, half-baked, already-invented-and-implemeted, cost prohibitive crock of ideas I have found on YouTube as entrants for "Google's 10 to the 100 project".

Quickly - Google is wanting to spend US$10m in developing up to 5 ideas the public have for helping change the world. Categories include helping via education, community, energy, housing, health etc. Entry is via submitting a form explaining your idea and if you wish, a 30 sec video on YouTube to accompany it. BTW it's hilarious to see people say at the 28 sec mark after a lengthy suck up to Google "so my idea is..." BZZZZ. Too late. 30 secs is up buddy...

I entered the search terms "google 10 project" and started looking at some ideas.

Truth be known I was hoping I'd find loads of excellent ideas and videos to scare me out of doing my own for my idea.

OMG. I have yet to find ANYTHING that is remotely inspiring or indeed evidence that brains inhabit these people's heads. Honestly, try yourself by looking some up on YouTube.

A brief run down of the ideas I've seen so far. Remember the key points when considering the vaibility of these ideas 1. $10m is not the prize to the person with the best idea, it is funding to get up to 5 ideas off and running.

2. It is for UNIQUE ideas not ones that have already been tried or are in the process of being implemented

3. Consider the costs:

1. Put satellites in the sky and send messages to satellite dishes so that people can communicate all around the world.

2. Get rid of obesity. That was the whole idea. Just get rid of it...

3. Use all the left over food from schools and restaurants and give it to homeless people.

4. Google should get everyone to send in their old computers, they will fix them up and sell them to 3rd world countries for $20 each

5. Build a city on water

6. Build a car that runs on water

7. Every family in the west adopts a family in poverty and helps pay for things for them

8. Put solar panels on everyones roofs and then they can sell the excess energy to the electric companies and get paid instead of paying

9. Google should invent a game to teach people that giving is better than taking. Do a giving action - you get points. Do a taking action - you lose points.

10. Fill jet engines with water and "some sort of coolant" so that when it runs it produces "some sort of cool air" instead of creating heat

11. Use the science behind "rubbing your hands together creates heat which is energy" to power the world (granted this was a teenager, so I'll forgive the lack of science/energy transference knowledge)

12. Wind turbines on Jupiter

13. Replace all pavements and roads with removeable panels so that road works don't distrupt traffic while they break up the concrete to fix pipes etc

14. Google should get companies to pay them for every click from a Google website and that money should go to charities.

15. People should have funraisers (sic) and give the money to help turn cloudy skies blue

The only decent ideas I have found so far are an online/interactive Google University with recognised degrees utilising all of Google's products. FLAW I think more than $10m is going to be needed to even get this off the ground and there are a lot of online universities already, albeit not on the scale of this person's idea.

The other idea is a light bulb that utilises LED's to reduce energy useage by 80%. FLAW energy efficient light bulbs have been invented, the problem is the cost efficiency to produce them, the cost for people to buy them and the fact that electric companies (and this addresses the flaw in some of the ideas above) are often a huge source of income for governments and surprise, surprise if they are private, they kinda like making money! So turning our world into a "free power" world is going to take a lot of persuasion, a looooooooooong time, a hell of a lot more than $10m and perhaps some peace-love-and-mung-beans type drugs to induce philanthropy.

Yes, yes I know a lot of you are saying - hey I don't you see you trying an idea.

Well actually I do have an idea and I'm going to do my video and entry this week. I am truly motivated after what I have seen today!

Now I'll be interested to read people's comments and see how many think the above ideas I knocked the crap out of are actually brilliant and worthy of the Google project.

And how many don't know what sic means grammatically.

Any good Google 10^100 videos?
My god, there's a list of total rubbish for you. Wind turbines on jupiter for $2m? ROFL.

Good luck with your idea. At least you understand the guidelines.
These are my ideas, submitted to Google. Please visit YouTube, give some good comment and rate it.

Virtual World - Project 10^100 - Idea


PressMeet - Project 10^100 - Idea

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Any good Google 10^100 videos?
Hi everyone,

I submitted my idea to Google also, called the Human Internet Project.

The description of my idea can be seem on my website:

We connect 300 million people, organization and computers together...

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I thought about this: "World Unity Day"

The "World Unity Day" will provide an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to take practical steps in acknowledging the different aspects in globalization and the way it affects everyone of us as well as being a living instrument in establishing the lines of communication in order to promote globalization into a beneficial force.

The idea is in the same framework as The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day"), mainly because the same circumstances brought Peace Day about.

Peace Day was established in the period of the cold war, when we had a situation where global balance was based on assurance of mutual destruction and Peace Day was established to maintain that balance despite the threat.

The sequence of events that followed promoted "liberalization" and an unimpeded flow of goods and services between economic jurisdictions. This led to specialization of nations in exports, and the pressure to end protective tariffs and other barriers to trade leading to what is often called "The First Era of Globalization".

Today we begin to realize that brought about a state of mutual dependency that, if not realized correctly, can possibly bring about disastrous consequences or even global collapse.

The opportunity we have and that I want to present to you is to first recognize our mutual dependency symptoms ahead of time and second to use a scientific system that will arrange our global and individual relations in a correct manner.

It's probably not by coincidence that Google is behind this, indeed the company that is at the technological forefront in finding new ideas that enables a large-scale platform of sharing information and virtual communication, the very values represented by World Unity Day. Google can be the infrastructure that would make true global communication a reality and a way to practically implement the positive aspects of mutual dependency.

On our side we are ready to present a study that will show the reasons why the humankind finds itself in this state of affairs the sequence of actions we are required to undertake in order use the interdependency we find ourselves in. Decision makers and the general public alike will need to learn how the general system works, and what implications this carries for the necessary changes we have to undertake, including the economic system, environmental issues or education.

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