Monday, March 12, 2012

Is this a good amount of info for a standard grade English talk?

I'm doing standard grade English in 1 year instead of 2.

Our talk has to be 2-4 mins long, on any subject.

I'm doing mine on Paris, cause my auntie lives there, haha.

These are just notes I've copied from websites and stuff..obviously I will put it all into my own words, etc. when I actually do the talk. Just want to know I this is a good amount of information? Too long/short? If anyone has done standard grade English then your opinion will be very much appreciated. I want to do well in this so I can get into a good uni, etc lol.

(You don't have to read all of it btw! lol)


population is 2.15 million in the city and 10.5 million in the 脦le de France (the suburban area around Paris)

one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe

Estimates suggest that Paris plays host to more than thirty million visitors a year.

Mayor : Bertrand Delano毛聽

9,000 restaurants exist in Paris

聽聽Some of the best art in the world is housed in Parisien Museums.聽

Only Paris is worthy of Rome; only Rome is worthy of Paris." the only sister city of Paris is Rome.


Gauls of the Parisii tribe settled there between 250 and 200 BC and founded a fishing village

聽on an island in the river that is the present-day Ile de la Cit茅 -- the center around which Paris developed.

Known as Lutetia (Lutece) in ancient times, Paris was conquered by Julius Caesar in 52 BC,聽

and existed as a regional center under the Romans and in the early Middle Ages.聽

In 987, HUGH CAPET, Count of Paris, became king of France, and under his successors,

聽the CAPETIANS, the city's position as the nation's capital became established.

The storming of the Bastille in 1789 was the first of a series of key actions by

聽the Parisian people during the FRENCH REVOLUTION.

聽Paris also played a major role in the revolutions of 1830 and 1848聽

Lutetia was renamed Paris in 212 after the local tribe.

Tourist Attractions:

Eiffel Tower;

over 100 years,聽

was actually only supposed to be a temporary construction for an exhibition in Paris held in 1889

Gustave Eiffel.

The height of Eiffel Tower, including its 24 m (79 ft) antenna, is 324 m

Till 1930, Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the whole world.

The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tonnes, while the entire structure, including non-metal parts, weighs around 10,100 tonnes.

Strong winds can sway Eiffel Tower slightly. During the storm of 1999, it moved approximately 13 centimeters from its initial position


The first royal "Castle of the Louvre" on this site was founded by Philippe II in 1190,

聽as a fortress to defend Paris on its west against Viking attacks.聽

In the 14th century, Charles V turned it into a palace of the arts, but Francois I and Henri II tore it down to build a real palace

Among the thousands of priceless paintings is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, perhaps the most famous painting in the world;

聽it is housed in the Salle des Etats in a climate-controlled environment behind protective glass.聽


Paris has long been an international hub of fashion design. The city has produced many notable design houses, such as Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Chlo茅, Givenchy, Lanvin, Herm猫s, and Louis Vuitton. Paris also remains a premier destination for shopping, with streets such as Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor茅 and the Champs-脡lys茅es hosting boutiques from designers around the world.Is this a good amount of info for a standard grade English talk?
Hey, I'm like a University student and have done a course on Public Speaking. 2 - 4 minutes, while not seeming so is enough to say a fair amount on your subject. However I don't think you can put all of what you've posted into 2 - 4 minutes (at least not while speaking normally) and keep the attention of your audience.

Why not just put in the basic and most interesting stuff about Paris? Like you could start with the population, the mayor's name, why's it called Paris. One of the most important thing about speechcraft is that the first 30 seconds of any speech is the most important, because this will determine how the audience reacts to you and the rest of your speech.

Then you could talk about the Eiffel Tower and the other major landmarks that people have heard about. The culture and life of people there is also another vibrant part of Paris you could talk about.

You could also mention why you like it in the end (if you do) in order to have a connection with your audience.

Important thing is, steer away from too many facts and figures, especially those that seem unnecessary in a small speech of 2 - 4 minutes, like maybe the metal structure of the Eiffel Tower, or it swaying and stuff, or all the French fashion brand names. A bit here and there to colour your speech is good, but too much and the audience loses track and can't remember. Especially in a speech of 2 - 4 minutes. It is also important to have a connection to your audience and engage them. Maybe adding a few jokes about Paris or why you like Paris is good in this regard.

You should also try and practice with someone you know outside the class, and ask his/her opinion. Try to be natural in the way you talk; it'll help that the class you're talking to perhaps includes people you know. That is all I can remember from my course (I'm still no great shakes at public speaking anyways). Hope this helps.

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