Austin is way overrated. I just graduated from Texas State University in San Marcos. Now I'm moving to Colorado. Thank god! Austin sucks! First of all, Austin is not as liberal as everyone thinks it is. So ot's liberal compared to Amarillo, Waco, Lubbock, and Killeen, and every other redneck cowtown around Texas. That's not saying much.
Are people forgetting that Austin is the capital of Texas, one of the most ultra-conservative States in the union? Trust me! I know what liberalism is. I was stationed in San Francisco for 2 years when I was in the Coast Guard. That's liberal!
If Austin is so liberal, then why hasn't that light rail been built? Why is the black population there shrinking? Why do the Austin Police act like a bunch of thugs? Why did they have to shut down Johnston High for over a year because the testing scores were so low?
The weather is hotter than hell about nine months out of the year. Every time I walk outside, it's like walking into a sweat lodge. They still haven't expanded IH-35 even though this city has been growing here exponentially. The music there sucks; the clubs there suck; the cost of living sucks; and the traffic sucks. The wages here also suck because they're not inflation-adjusted.
I thought Austin was cool when I first moved here back in the summer of '96, but I regret moving back here in the summer '04 when I was discharged from the service. The only reason why I did was to finish school and because I have family here. You can rest assured I won't be coming back this time.
Austin has that same "cowboy/redneck" mentality as the rest of Texas. The people here have no class or manners. They are rude as hell. The people here are crass, conniving, arrogant, temperamental, inconsiderate, boisterous, overbearing, and volatile. I worked in customer service here and I absolutely despised it. You can learn a lot about people just by working in retail. Often times that's when their true colors show.
Every time I go into a restaurant, they're always wearing cutoffs, shorts, flip-flops, ratty jeans, or tank-tops. They're white trash! In San Francisco people would dress up nicely. That's only reasonable when you go to a high-class restaurant, is it not? They say Austin is a friendly city. They weren't very specific, and they forgot to say that it's superficially friendly or fair-weather friendly.
The women there are very shallow and conceited. That's to be expected because they're a bunch of UT students and UT tends to cultivate that "holier than thou" mentality. They say Austin is a great place to live if you're single. Maybe if you've got lots of money that's the case.
A few hippies live in the inner city, but all they do is take-up space and panhandle for money. Leslie Cochran doesn't even hang out downtown anymore. There are a lot more yuppies and preppy UT students there than there are hippies. Everywhere else they've been replaced by beer-drinking rednecks. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out the only thing they've built is more trailer parks here.
There is no culture whatsoever in Austin. Why doesn't the "Live Music Capital of the World" have an opera, symphony, orchestra, or a live theater? Where's the zoo? Where's the theme park? Where are the professional sports? Where's the aquarium? Where's the planetarium? Where are all the museums?
I know San Antonio is down the road. Gas isn't getting any cheaper, so it would seem very impractical to have to drive all the way to San Antonio do anything big. Not everybody wants to go down to Sixth Street and rub elbows with a bunch of drunken frat boys and watch a bunch of 40-year-old adolescents play rock-a-billy.
Baltimore is right down the road from Washington, DC. San Diego is right down the road from LA San Jose is right down the road from San Francisco. But these cities still have all those amenities.
Yes, Austin does have a few nice parks. Big deal! Every city has nice parks. Houston has nice parks, too. That place is still a rathole. I know because that's where I grew up. I wouldn't be caught dead living back there. Houston at least has culture and several things to do though which Austin clearly doesn't. Even the radio stations here suck.
To put it bluntly, Austin is nothing more than an under-developed, uncultured, and over-glorified college town that refuses to grow up and become a mature city. The entire cultural hearth revolves around one university full of rich, snotty, preppy students.What is it that everyone thinks is so fabulous about Austin, Texas? This city blows!?
come on now. Austin is a great city and i go to UT. Im not preppy, stuck up, and i dnt have money. maybe this city just didn't fit ur lifestyle and thats why u hate it so much
The alleged decline of African American population and the city's inability to create a light rail system has nothing to do with political ideology. I also happen to enjoy 40 year olds playing rockabilly. I also dig the rednecks, and the panhandling hippies. What is it that everyone thinks is so fabulous about Austin, Texas? This city blows!?
You blow-
and sure did take the time to write a lot about a place you dislike to much...what a waste of words-
Austin is a great town, perhaps what you make of it...
good riddance to you!
(and Austin is not San Marcos)
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